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Can I rent a toilet for just 1 day?Yes, some people call a 1 day rental short term rental or special event rental. These units typically only require a delivery and pick compared to units that would need to be serviced like most construction sites. Units for weekend events are typically delivered on Friday and Picked up on Monday depending on the schedule, weather, special requests and other factors.
How many toilets should I rent for my event?
Am I required to have a toilet on my job site?16VAC25-160-10. Construction industry sanitation standard; in general (29CFR 1926.51). (c) Toilet and handwashing facilities (1) One toilet and one handwashing facility shall be provided for each 20 employees or fraction thereof. (2) Toilet facilities shall be adequately ventilated, appropriately screened, have self-closing doors that can be closed and latched from inside and shall be constructed to insure privacy. (3) Toilet and handwashing facilities shall be readily accessible to all employees, accessibly located and in close proximity to each other. (4) Toilet facilities shall be operational and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. (5) The requirements of this paragraph for sanitation facilities shall not apply to mobile crews having transportation readily available to nearby toilet facilities. (d) NOTE: Rescinded as being inconsistent with the more stringent Virginia Standard. (e) NOTE: Rescinded as being inconsistent with the more stringent Virginia Standard. (f) Washing facilities. Hand washing facilities shall be refilled with potable water as necessary to ensure an adequate supply of potable water, soap and single use towels. (g) Revoked (h) Waste disposal. (1) Disposal of wastes from facilities shall not cause unsanitary conditions. (i) Definitions. (1) "Handwashing" facility means a facility providing either a basin, container or outlet with an adequate supply of potable water, soap and single use towels. (2) "Potable water" means water that meets the standards for drinking purposes of the state or local authority having jurisdiction or water that meets the quality standards prescribed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, published in 40 CFR Part 141. (3) "Toilet facility" means a fixed or portable facility designed for the containment of the products of both defecation and urination which is supplied with toilet paper adequate to meet employee needs. Toilet facilities include biological, chemical, flush and combustion toilets and sanitary privies.
Can I place a toilet anywhere I need it?Typically we like to place our units no more than 10 Ft. away from pavement or a well-drained surface. We need to be able to deliver, pick-up and or service the unit(s) without getting stuck or destroying property.
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